Welcome to Nannoq Tools

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Table of Contents



auth is a collection of classes for managing JWT based authentication and authorization on a vertx environment.

It supports:
 - JWT Creation
 - JWT Verification
 - JWT Revocation
 - OAuth Login
 - Direct Token Conversion
Current providers:
 - Facebook
 - Google
 - Instagram


cluster is a collection of classes for managing services and API's in clustered Vert.x environments as well as helpers for clustering.

Main features:
 - ServiceManager (Manage services and API's easily across a vertx cluster)
 - ApiManager (Creates Http Records for the ServiceManager)

Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)

fcm is a XMPP server implementation for use with Firebase Cloud Messaging with all features, for a Vert.x environment.

It supports:
 - Topics
 - Direct Messages (Down and Upstream)
 - Device Groups
 - Device Registrations


repository is a collection of repository implementations for Vert.x. All repositories operate with a unified querying interface that abstracts away the underlying data store. Individual implementations will be extended for any data store specific functionality that is not reasonable to abstract away.

It supports:
 - Caching, extends to clustered caching with JCache if vertx is clustered.
 - Will refresh ETags if supplied an EtagManager implementation.
 - Batch create/read/update/delete
 - Queries
   * Filtering
   * Ordering
   * Projections
   * Aggregations


web is a REST (Level 3) controller implementation that is based on vertx-web and leverages [nannoq-repository](https://github.com/NoriginMedia/nannoq-repository) for data store access.

It incorporates:
 - ETag
 - Clustered Caching through nannoq-repository

It supports:
 - Filtering
 - Ordering
 - Projections
 - Grouping
 - Aggregations
 - Cross-Model Aggregations


Vert.x >= 3.5.3

Java >= 1.8



./gradlew install

Running the tests

./gradlew test

Running the integration tests

./gradlew verify


First install with either Maven:


or Gradle:

dependencies {
    compile group: 'nannoq.com:moduleToImport:1.1.0

Implementation and Use

Please consult the GitHub Pages on implementations and use.


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details